When you or your loved ones are being held in immigration detention and put on removal proceeding or have ended up in removal proceeding due to referral of your affirmative asylum case to immigration court by the asylum office the experience can be overwhelming, frightening and very stressful. You often receive little information or receive confusing and conflicting information about the situation and do not know the legal issues involved or the steps necessary in handling your/ loved ones’ case before the court. However, you are not alone. And that is why most in your shoes try to promptly consult with or hire attorneys.
We, at the Law Offices of Yonas Gebreselassie, will assist you with filing your application for asylum( and all other reliefs), supporting documents, country condition reports and/or other documents/evidences/ in support of your asylum claim and represent you at your master and merits(individual) hearings before the court. We also assist with filing of employment authorization applications during the pendency of your asylum process.
Contact us or schedule an appointment for consultation for more information.